Hur du ritar Edward Cullen
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How to Draw Edward Cullen, Robert Pattinson from Twilight

Step 1.
Start this first step by drawing out some simple guidelines and shapes to forma frame for the Twilight star's head. First draw a circle for the shape of his head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw out the lining for his shirt collar and the right jaw line which is slightly slanted. Once that is done you can then add the shape of his hair style on the left hand side.
Step 2.
In this next step you will first start sketching out the shape of the rest of the outlining of his hair which is a bit wavy, and then sketch out the shape of his eyebrows and eyes as seen here. You will then add the shaping of his nose and then the shape of the left side of his face and chin. Make a line for the top of his lip and then begin drawing out the shape of his jacket collar and shoulder.
Step 3.
Now as you can see you are almost done and all you will have to do in this step is detail the style and shape of Ed Cullen's hair style. To make it easier for you I tried to make the hair simple enough for you to understand and draw out. Sketch out the lining for his hair along his upper forehead and then give him some pupils and a bottom lip. You will define his chin by sketching a slightly arched line under his bottom lip and then draw out and detail his ears. You will then detail both sides of the jackets collar and then move to the next step.

Step 4.
This is your last drawing step and all you will do here is shade in your portrait sketch of Edward Cullen from Twilight. As you can see the hair, eyebrows, eyes, and inner lip is shaded in. Once you complete the shading you can then detail more of his tee-shirt and then the right side of the collar. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.
Step 5.
When you are done your sketch should come out looking like the one you see here. All you have to do now if you want is color him in. I hope you liked this breath taking tutorial on how to draw Edward Cullen from Twilight step by step. I will be back in a bot with more lessons for you all.